Bullswap offers direct link to our tracking system

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Bullswap offers direct link to our tracking systemIf you temporarily need additional construction equipment during a big project, there are several rental companies that can offer you immediate assistance, each with their own specialities and capabilities. From small local businesses to larger international players: whether you are looking for one or more forklift trucks, mini excavators, aerial work platforms, bulldozers or even heavier excavators, you can be assured of finding a suitable partner who will deliver the equipment you need to your desired location, so that you can return to work.

Track-and-trace linking heightens efficiency

Rental partners of Bullswap who are also customers of Traxgo can now set up a link to their track-and-trace system from the secure environment in just a few simple steps. This allows them to consult a comprehensive list of their machinery at a single glance, eliminating any need to use two different independent platforms for this purpose. In short: time savings and convenience guaranteed.

Traxgo is one of the top companies active in tracking & tracing. As a specialised and ISO-certified partner, Traxgo offers a unique complete package for optimising business processes with a platform to collect real-time information, on the one hand, and by offering business software, on the other. Over the years, we have already set up quite a few track and trace software links with many different sector-specific platforms for our customers. As a result, our employees have a great deal of experience and expertise in this field.

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