Sigfox network

Sigfox for smart measuring, mobility and smart cities

Our solutions

The Sigfox network

Sigfox network and the many Sigfox applications | Traxgo

Sensors, electricity meters, smart watches and even washing machines can be linked to the internet via Sigfox's networks. With low-cost infrastructure, the Sigfox network effectively enables the Internet of Things.

The sensors in the connected devices must always be connected to the internet. They then send small amounts of data over the network to the owner's backend on a regular basis. Sigfox takes on the role of operator in this. For this, they use the freely available 2G spectrum to enable the connection.

In a sense, Sigfox is entering the realm of traditional operators. But the chips they need to send data are much cheaper than the sensors of the other operators. In addition, these chips also last up to 20 years. It was already called the Twitter of the telecom. They make it possible to transport data packets. But photos or chat sessions simply cannot be sent over their network because they are too heavy.

The network is therefore currently seen as an interesting partner and not as a threat. Many investors believe in the starter's potential in smart measuring, mobility and smart cities.

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