Read in Sterck Magazine: to measure is to know

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Read in Sterck Magazine: to measure is to knowSterck is a bold initiative to bring entrepreneurs and liberal professionals together. Away from the beaten track and resolutely original. Through magazines, network events, video and social media, the Sterck concept ensures a thorough 'match' between fellow company managers. In the May edition for West Flanders, Traxgo was featured extensively in an interesting article zooming in on our solutions for leasing companies, our own ERP software and TraxOne, the combination of the track & trace system with the ERP software.

To measure is to know

Traxgo is a specialised West-Flemish partner in offering a unique total solution for the optimisation of business processes. The company owns a unique platform for collecting information in real time and also has in-house business software to provide the customer with more insights and make operations more cost-effective. (source: Sterck Magazine)

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