Harbour equipment

Tracking and monitoring for optimising efficiency at port companies

Our solutions

Tracking for port companies: reach stackers, port cranes, gantry cranes, shipping containers, ...

Companies active in the port area often have an extensive fleet of reach stackers (or container stackers). These heavy machines - well-known brands include Kalmar, Liebherr, Linde, etc. - with an excellent lifting capacity have a telescopic arm for moving and stacking containers on the site.

It goes without saying that the safety risks during such manoeuvres are immense. Traxgo therefore developed a specific application that allows only operators with the right technical competences to operate the reach stackers. After all, the safety of employees is an absolute priority for port companies!

Mapping activities of reach stackers

Moreover, our application offers many additional advantages. For example, thanks to the integrated tracker, it is possible for the fleet manager to visualise the positions of the various reach stackers in the field, to mark on a map the area in which they can carry out their activities, to keep track of the operating hours and/or the number of containers moved per machine, to monitor the various parameters relating to periodic maintenance, etc. All this ensures that port companies can significantly increase the efficiency of their activities.

Your benefits

  • Increasing the safety of your employees
  • Only trained personnel can operate the machines
  • Insight into the number of containers moved
  • Cost savings through timely servicing
  • Determination of the position of the reach stackers
  • Delineating their area of operation

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In addition, our tracking (and monitoring) applications are also ideally suited to other types of specialised port equipment, such as port cranes, gantry cranes and shipping containers.


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